Jersey Fingerprinting

Mobile Fingerprinting

Mobile Fingerprinting Services

When you order our mobile fingerprinting services, our dedicated, trained staff will visit your home or office to scan your fingerprints. The process will take just 10 minutes of your time, allowing you to return to your routine quickly. You can conveniently book your appointment during business hours, weekends, or evenings, based on your schedule.


What is On-site Mobile Fingerprinting Services?

Mobile fingerprinting enables a convenient way of getting your fingerprints collected. At Jersey Fingerprinting, we come to you for mobile fingerprinting, making background checks easy for you. Our team of trained professionals uses the latest machines available to collect crisp, clear fingerprint scans, reducing errors and rejections. Get in touch with us and book your appointment today. Our technicians will visit your home or office to scan your fingerprints.

One of the primary advantages of mobile fingerprinting is its convenience and accessibility. Clients can schedule appointments at their preferred time and location, making the process hassle-free. Moreover, it saves valuable time by eliminating the need for extensive travel and waiting in queues.

On-site mobile fingerprinting services provided by Jersey Fingerprinting offer unmatched convenience and efficiency. By bringing the fingerprinting process directly to your doorstep, we eliminate the need for individuals or organizations to travel to a designated location, saving precious time and resources. Whether you need fingerprinting for employment background checks, licensing, certifications, or any other purposes, our mobile service ensures a hassle-free experience without disrupting your schedule. Additionally, our mobile notary & fingerprinting offerings provide comprehensive support for all your documentation needs right at your location.

Who Needs On-site Mobile Fingerprinting Service?

Individuals: From job seekers needing background checks for employment to individuals requiring fingerprinting for immigration or personal reasons, our on-site service caters to all. For more information, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Businesses and Corporations: Employers seeking pre-employment screening, background checks, or security clearance for their staff can benefit from our mobile fingerprinting service, saving time and resources for both the employer and the employees. Learn more at Mobile Fingerprinting.

Government Agencies: Government agencies often require fingerprinting for various purposes, including licensing, permits, and security clearances. Our on-site service ensures that government entities can fulfill their fingerprinting needs efficiently. Check out our services at Mobile Fingerprinting.

Non-profit Organizations: Non-profit organizations may require fingerprinting for volunteers or staff working with vulnerable populations. Our mobile service makes it convenient for these organizations to ensure the safety and security of their operations. For details, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities may need fingerprinting for faculty, staff, or students for background checks or security purposes. Our on-site service simplifies the process for educational institutions, allowing them to focus on their core mission. Learn more at Mobile Fingerprinting.

Why Choose Jersey Fingerprinting for Your Mobile Fingerprinting Needs in New Jersey?

At Jersey Fingerprinting, we understand the importance of accurate and timely fingerprinting services. Whether you’re an individual or part of a business, government agency, educational institution, or non-profit organization, we offer an efficient mobile fingerprinting service in New Jersey that is tailored to meet your needs.

Fingerprinting for Doctors and Nurses

Doctors and nurses may require fingerprinting for various reasons, including employment background checks, licensing, and certifications. Fingerprinting helps verify the identity of healthcare professionals and ensures the safety and security of patients. It is often a requirement for obtaining medical licenses, certifications, or working in certain healthcare settings. Additionally, fingerprinting may be part of the credentialing process for healthcare facilities to ensure that only qualified and trustworthy individuals are employed in critical roles. For more information, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Newborn Identification and Security

In certain cases, such as adoption or surrogacy arrangements, newborn infants may require fingerprinting for identification and security purposes. Our on-site mobile fingerprinting service offers a gentle and non-invasive way to capture the fingerprints of newborns, ensuring accurate identification and providing peace of mind to parents and guardians. With our mobile service, families can complete this important step in the comfort of their own home, allowing them to focus on bonding with their new arrival without the need for additional stress or inconvenience. For more details, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Childcare and Early Childhood Education

Childcare centers, preschools, and early childhood education programs often require fingerprinting for employees who will be working with young children. Our on-site mobile fingerprinting service offers childcare providers a convenient option to ensure the safety and security of their facilities and staff members, allowing them to focus on providing quality care and education to young learners. For more information, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Volunteer Organizations and Community Groups

Volunteer organizations, community groups, and nonprofit agencies rely on volunteers to support their missions and initiatives. Many of these organizations require fingerprinting for volunteers who will be working with children, the elderly, or other vulnerable populations. Our mobile service makes it convenient for volunteers to complete their background checks and fingerprinting requirements, facilitating their participation in valuable community service activities. For more information, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

Healthcare Sector

Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities often require fingerprinting for employees as part of their credentialing process or for background checks. Our mobile service ensures minimal disruption to the busy schedules of healthcare professionals while meeting regulatory requirements efficiently. For more information, visit Mobile Fingerprinting.

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{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_phone }}

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Benefits of On-Site & Mobile Fingerprinting Services in New Jersey

Get started with Jersey Fingerprinting’s Ink & Roll Fingerprinting services in New Jersey – quick, reliable, and stress-free!


Mobile fingerprinting brings the service directly to your preferred location, whether it’s your home, office, or another convenient site. This eliminates the need for individuals or organizations to travel to a designated fingerprinting location, saving valuable time and resources.



Our mobile fingerprinting service offers flexibility in scheduling appointments, allowing clients to choose a time that best fits their busy schedules. This flexibility ensures minimal disruption to daily routines and operations.


For individuals with mobility challenges or those residing in remote areas of New Jersey, mobile fingerprinting provides accessible and convenient access to essential fingerprinting services. This ensures that everyone can fulfill their fingerprinting requirements without barriers.



Conducting fingerprinting at your location ensures privacy and confidentiality. Clients can have peace of mind knowing that their personal information is handled discreetly and securely, without the presence of other individuals or distractions commonly found in public fingerprinting locations.


Our trained professionals utilize state-of-the-art equipment and adhere to strict protocols to ensure accurate and efficient fingerprinting. By streamlining the process and minimizing wait times, our mobile service enhances efficiency and productivity for both individuals and organizations.


Customized Solutions

We understand that different clients have unique needs and requirements. Our mobile fingerprinting service offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client, ensuring a personalized and satisfactory experience.


Our Testimonials

I had an excellent experience with New Jersey Fingerprinting! The mobile service was incredibly convenient, and the staff was professional and friendly. They made the entire process quick and easy. Highly recommend!

Sarah L.

The fingerprinting service was fast and efficient. I was able to get everything done without any hassle, and the team was very knowledgeable. I will definitely use them again!

John M.

New Jersey Fingerprinting made the apostille process so simple! Their customer service is top-notch, and they kept me informed every step of the way. I couldn’t be more satisfied!

Emily R.

FAQ About Mobile Fingerprinting

Our mobile fingerprinting service allows trained professionals to come directly to your location—whether it's your home, office, or any other place that's convenient for you. We provide high-quality fingerprint scanning using state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring accuracy and efficiency without the need for you to travel to a fingerprinting facility.


The mobile fingerprinting process typically takes around 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the number of individuals being fingerprinted. Our goal is to make the process as quick and efficient as possible, allowing you to return to your daily routine without delay.


Mobile fingerprinting offers numerous benefits:

  • Convenience: We come to you, saving time and travel.
  • Flexibility: Schedule at a time that works best for you.
  • Privacy: Complete the process in the comfort and privacy of your location.
  • Efficiency: Quick and accurate service with minimal disruption to your day.
  • Accessibility: Ideal for individuals with mobility issues or those located in remote areas.

Yes, you may be required to bring a valid form of ID (such as a driver’s license, passport, or state-issued ID) to verify your identity. Additionally, if you are undergoing fingerprinting for specific purposes like employment, licensing, or background checks, you may need to bring relevant forms or instructions from the requesting agency.


Mobile fingerprinting is ideal for:

  • Job Seekers: Those requiring background checks for employment.
  • Healthcare Professionals: For credentialing and background checks.
  • Immigrants and Citizens: For immigration purposes or personal identification.
  • Employers & Corporations: For pre-employment screening and security clearance.
  • Volunteer Organizations: For background checks of individuals working with vulnerable populations.